Dorothy LAM

Deputy Chair, Social Enterprise Summit, HK
Co-founder and Chief Catalyst, Dream Impact, HK

With a multi-dimensional background in emerging technologies, social innovation and arts in New York City, Hong Kong, Berlin and Abu Dhabi, Ms Dorothy Lam brought Dream Impact to life in 2017. As the company’s Co-founder and Chief Catalyst, she has led Dream Impact to be the leading impact ecosystem builder in Hong Kong. Her primary duties include catalysing the relationships and connections across different sectors of private businesses and investors, academic institutions, community non-profits and the government in cross-sector collaborations on various impact themes. She believes in the company’s philosophy to create a world in which dimensions of the “body, mind, spirit, society and planet” work together in a holistic approach. This entails taking care of the personal body, mind and spirit, then expanding to serve the wider social and environmental dimensions.

This year, Dream Impact partnered with The Executive Centre to launch Hong Kong's first dedicated physical space in the heart of Central for the ESG community. The ESG Innovation Lab serves as a bridge to close the gap between social enterprises, impact ventures, and corporates, while facilitating cross-sector collaborations for impact creation. As ESG continues to gain momentum globally, the ESG Innovation Lab will help companies in Hong Kong prioritise sustainable development to remain competitive in the international business community.