Cindy WONG

Chief Executive Officer, Golden Age Foundation, HK

Ms Cindy Wong is an exceptional professional who combines her expertise in social work, PR and marketing, and hospitality management to make a meaningful impact in the field of elderly care. With a diverse background spanning these disciplines, she brings a unique perspective and an exceptional set of skills to her work.

Currently serving as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Golden Age Foundation, Cindy holds positions within the Organising Committee of the Social Enterprise Summit and as a Senior Consultant for Great East Limited, a senior living and healthcare service consultancy. In these influential roles, she humbly utilizes her extensive experience and knowledge to make a positive impact on the community and contribute to the growth of the industry.

At the Golden Age Foundation, Cindy leads a compassionate team focused on transforming the challenges of aging into opportunities. With a genuine commitment to age neutrality and socio-economic sustainability, she and her team continuously explore innovative solutions to meet the unique needs of the golden generation. Through collaborative partnerships with various community sectors, Cindy actively contributes to the development of Asia's Smart Aging Cities.

Throughout her illustrious career, Cindy has played a crucial role in several notable projects. One outstanding endeavor is Cheerful Court, a pioneering senior living estate in Hong Kong. This comprehensive facility provides residential housing, clubhouse amenities, catering services, medical care, and rehabilitation facilities all in one convenient location. Cindy's expertise also contributed to the success of the HK Sheng Kung Hui Cyril and Amy Cheung Aged Care Complex, an upscale project that promotes a one-stop stroke rehabilitation transactional service. Additionally, she played a key role in the development of the Ventria Residence, a Medi-hotel senior living project catering to individuals seeking premium services and healthcare.

In addition to her project involvement, Cindy organized the Golden Age Expo and Summit, the first transformative event and interactive platform in Hong Kong dedicated to addressing the challenges of an aging population. This groundbreaking initiative brings together innovative technologies and experts from around the world to share their experiences and insights with the public, fostering awareness and understanding of aging-related issues.

In summary, Cindy's diverse background in social work, PR and marketing, and hospitality management sets her apart as a multidisciplinary leader in the field of elderly care. Her unique perspective, exceptional skills, and influential positions enable her to make a profound impact on the lives of seniors. Through her integrated approach, Cindy strives to create a more compassionate and inclusive society for the elderly, where their needs are understood, respected, and met.